Helping to create a new cancer treatment technology is as easy as lying down!

Eligible volunteers are invited to take part in the VISION study. (Visual Investigation with Surface Imaging for Oncological Needs)
What is involved?

Participants in this study will be asked to wear our motion capture beanie and lie down for a few minutes while special cameras record the motion of their head and neck.

We are asking for a small number of participants to come in the day before if they can, to have a custom cushion created to support their head, neck and shoulders.

Who can take part?

We’re looking for healthy volunteers who:
– Can lay down on the floor and get up unassisted
– Are aged 18+


The study is taking place in the ACRF Image X Institute’s office:
Level 2 of the Biomedical Building,
1 Central Ave, Eveleigh NSW.

Purpose and background of the study

The VISION study will help us test and improve the sensor technology we’re developing to replace immobilisation masks in cancer treatment as part of the Remove the Mask Project.

Immobilisation masks are a type of mask people have to wear during their treatment for head & neck cancers. For safety reasons, the mask holds the patient’s head completely still, bolted down, as pictured below. You will not be asked to wear one of these as part of the VISION study.

These masks can cause significant anxiety and discomfort to patients – so we’re developing an alternative! If we can use sensors to detect the exact positioning of the patient’s features, then there will be no need for immobilisation masks. You can learn about this project, called ‘Remove the Mask’ here: Remove the Mask Project


How to get involved

To indicate that you’d like to take part in the study, or to ask more questions about the study, contact Dr. Youssef Ben Bouchta:

Phone: (02) 8627 7482